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Paraic McGann joined O’Connor Redd Orlando LLP as an Associate Attorney in 2024, and his practice revolves around motor vehicle, premises, property damage, labor law and general liability claims.

Paraic McGann, a native of Ireland, is a graduate of Trinity College Dublin, where he received a Bachelor’s degree in the Physics and Chemistry of Advanced Materials, and the National University of Ireland, Galway, where he received his LL.B in 2012, and LL.M in 2013. Before being admitted as an attorney, Paraic spent two years in the Health Insurance industry and eight years as a private High School Physics and Mathematics teacher. He lives in Danbury, CT, with his wife and daughter.

Trinity College Dublin, B.A., 2008
National University of Ireland, Galway, LL.B, 2012
National University of Ireland, Galway, LL.M, 2013

New York Bar

242 King Street
Port Chester
NY 10573
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